Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cycling Without Age at Cargo Bike Parade and Cargo Bike Festival

Cycling Without Age has been blown over from Denmark, Kopenhagen, to the Netherlands. The city of Nijmegen is cycling ahead. A volunteer ricksha-pilot rides a special designed ricksha, a bicycle with a twoseater in front, and transports two passengers. These passengers are people who do not or hardly come outside by reason of age, mobility and/or social circumstances.
The passengers get the opportunity to feel the wind in their hair. In this way they can visit places where they have not been for a long time, or go where they like to go. It is also a moment of meeting; meeting of the colleague-passenger, the ricksha-pilot and the outside world. The experiences in Denmark are positive and lead to unexpected and beautiful situations and happy people. The expect this to happen in Nijmegen as well. The first reactions are very positive and welcoming.
Boi Huisman and two happy ladies
In the following weeks the residents of the care center Nieuw-Doddendaal will be invited for the first rides in the center of Nijmegen. The ricksha-pilots for now are the 5 enthousiastic members of the projectgroup, which enables this initiative. This group of people will be expanded in coming future by other interested volunteer pilots, young and old.
Cycling Without Age team of volunteers
The first ricksha in the Netherlands has been presented last weekend on the Beleef Plus Beurs in the Triavium. This Sunday, 18th of April, it will be part of the Bakfiets Parade of the Cargo Bike Festival. The riksha can be admired in the afternoon on the Vasim-grounds, you may have a ride as well.