Saturday, March 11, 2017

ICBF Funding

Dear cargo bike friends,

In cooperation with the Dutch Cyclists’ Union (Fietsersbond) we are arranging funding for potential participants of the International Cargo Bike Festival from developing countries or for others who have not sufficient resources themselves to come to the ICBF2017 in Nijmegen from 11 to 13 June 2017.

We have some specific candidates from India and from several countries in Africa. Also a student team from the UK asked for financial assistance to be able to participate at the ICBF.

If you want to support this initiative, please, donate your contribution to the following account number  NL32TRIO0197962688 on behalf of Fietsersbond, Nicolaas Beetsstraat 2a
3511 HE Utrecht, The Netherlands. BIC code: TRIONL2U.
Please, mention: Contribution for the ICBF, Project 260

Any amount is very welcome and highly appreciated!

If you are from a developing country and/or you want to be considered for financial assistance, please send a request to miss Janneke van Klei of the “Fietsersbond”, and cc to Jos Sluijsmans of the ICBF/,

Best regards,
Jos Sluijsmans
International Cargo Bike Festival